Rules of the Bus-
Your child will be dropped off at his/her HOME address, the address that has been given to us at registration time. If a change to this arrangement needs to be made (either you are picking up your child OR you request a drop off at a DIFFERENT address).
School needs to be notified no later than 5:00 P.M. the previous day.
It is not possible for the bus drivers to make changes to their route after those times.
Safety Concern: An adult in the family needs TO MEET the child by the bus. The bus drivers can NOT leave students unattended in the bus and go out of the bus to ring a doorbell and/or check where the adult is.
Bus Transportation of Students depends on respecting and following these Safety rules.
- Parents are not allowed to get on the bus while their child is being picked up.
- Parents are to be at the bus stop waiting and providing supervision for their child while waiting for the bus.
- Parents are to be at the bus stop waiting to retrieve their child off the bus.
- Please call the school and the bus driver if your child will not be attending school and will not need the bus for the day.